Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Maternity Dress, Floral Dress, Maternity Style

3rd Trimester Style, Fall Outfit, SeneGence

Bump Style, Baby Bump

37 Weeks Pregnant, Utah Fashion Blogger

Blue Hair, Mint Hair, Mari A booties

Pregnant Style, Pregnant Fashion

Utah Fashion blogger, SeneGence, She's Apples LipSense

Dress (similar): ASOS || Booties: DSW || Hat (similar): here & here || Makeup: The Red Closet Beauty || Photos: The High Pines


Today I am doing something crazy!! After being cleared by my midwife I'm heading on a six hour road trip to Aspen, Colorado. There is a lot of back story behind this, but I have had a very nagging feeling of needing to go. It's not just a fun girls trip (although I plan on having fun), but a leaders retreat for my company. I thought my doctor would say no, the company would say no, or I wouldn't find a way there but sure enough less than 24 hours prior to having to leave everything worked out perfectly. 

Yes I am beyond nervous to be in a car and on a road trip 2 weeks before having the baby, BUT I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to go. So.. send me all the good vibes and pray this baby stays put until I get home! My midwife had zero concerns and although I'm nervous, i'm praying for the best and i'm going for it! 

Today I'm wearing one of the cutest little floral numbers! I have lived in dresses and rompers all summer long for good reason! Pregnant and pants are just not a great combo in my book. I mixed in a cute little hat and some booties because hello!!! Fall is coming!! These booties are the perfect transition into fall! Yes please!! 

I'm keeping this short and sweet because I have to finish packing. All the good vibes are welcome that baby stays in my belly!! ;) 

Have a GREAT weekend!!! <3 


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