Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Bookroo, Book Subscription

Mommy and Me, Reading with the Baby, Car Seat

Subscription, Bookroo

Reading books with babies, Bookroo

Baby Books, Cute Baby Books

Reading with my Baby, Bookroo, Book Subscription

Reading, Reading a book, Baby and a Book

Rain and Honey Bows, 6 months old

Rain and Honey Bows, Bookroo

Book Subscription c/o: BookRoo || Charly's Oufit: Carter's || Charly's Bow: Rain and Honey Bows || Charly's Sandals (sold out): Old Navy

My Shirt (sold out): White Plum || Skirt: Target || 18 Hour Lipstick (Color: Razzberry): LipSense || Photographer: The High Pines

Hey everyone!!

Today I am sharing a topic that is really important to me! Reading!! I had a crazy huge love for reading when I was little. I loved using my imagination and I went through book after book after book!!

I am sharing a few reasons why it is great to read to your baby!!

1. The bonding experience. Isn't this the case for everything? I will take any kind of bonding or cuddling excuses. This girl holds still (for the most part haha) and looks at the book as I read it to her. We read a few books every single morning after she wakes up and has ate! I love this time that she sits there and intently looks at the books.

2. Preps baby to eventually read on their own. If we make it a habit by grabbing a book and reading every day, they will continue that habit and learn to love to read! Research shows (source here) that the more words a baby is exposed to, the better prepared he/she is to eventually start reading on her own.

3. Stimulates the Imagination. Sure I have no idea what Charly is thinking, but I can definitely see her imagination working as we read books. She is so observant and has to feel and scream at every page. haha It is the cutest!!

4. Helps brain development. "Reading regularly with young children stimulates optimal patterns of brain development and strengthens parent-child relationships at a critical time in child development, which, in turn, builds language, literacy, and social-emotional skills that last a lifetime,” the AAP says.

Now that you know how important it is to read to babies, you need to stock up on books! Me and Charly recently signed up for a monthly book subscription from Bookroo that comes with three books every month. This girl LOVES her books and I LOVE that I don't have to go out shopping for them.  It's a win-win!! Plus, you all know subscription boxes are my favorite. It's like Christmas when the box comes and we get to unwrap the cutest books. Plus, this subscription is extremely affordable!!

Use the code SCHROEDER to get your 3rd box free on any multi-month subscription! You can sign up HERE to get your monthly subscription!


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