Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hey friends!!

I am not sure where to start with this so I will just dive in. I recently came across a quote from J K Rowling that said, 
"You have a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently." 
Since reading this I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Every year me and my husband do a few things with charities or fundraisers to help out. We most definitely aren't billionaires and not even close to millionaires, but giving and helping is something we are passionate about. I absolutely love J K Rowling's take on this and wish there were more people like her!!

With that being said, me and my husband are going to send a family to the happiest place on earth for the holidays!!!! The Disneyland trip with include flight, 3 day park hopper tickets, hotel stay, and $500 Visa for food and souvenirs. 

This is where YOU come in!!! We would love for you to nominate a family in need or a family that you think really deserves this trip!! 

Please send an email to jalynn@theredclosetdiary.com with the family's name, a little bit about them, and why you nominated them for this Disneyland trip!! 

It will take us a few weeks to go through all the submissions and validate the info given to us! Based on submissions we will announce the family as soon as we can! 

Thank you!!! 


11 comments on "DISNEYLAND FOR A FAMILY!"
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