Shirt: Cotton On, Pants: Kohls, Scarf: H&M, Boots: Forever 21 Hat: Styles For Less
Photography: Ashlee Larsen
After a long treturous journey of finding floral pants... here is what I found. If my legs weren't so long geesh.
So I need everyone's help. Pretend you are me. Now what should I be for Halloween? I need some help here.... for reals. Ideas or anything.
I had a scary movie marathon last night with the new boyfriend (don't worry I will tell more later) and our friends. Paranormal Activity marathon to be exact. I think I get more scared because those around me were so scared. It was pretty funny. Every noise we heard in the house made us jump and then of course we started hearing things. Good times.
I slept like a baby after. I can't say the same for the rest of them!! I love October!
I slept like a baby after. I can't say the same for the rest of them!! I love October!
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