Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Brown Belt, Striped pants, White top

Brown Flats


Utah Fashion Blogger, Modest Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger

Shirt: PacSun || Purse: Target || Belt: Rue21 || Necklace: H&M || Pants: Thrifted || Shoes: Shoe Carnival || Photography: Deone Thornton Photography

Hi all!!! Most of my outfits have been pretty dressed up so I wanted to throw a little casual in there! Casual is comfortable and is great for many different occasions. I have a problem with always feeling like I need to dress up. If I wear jeans and a t-shirt I feel weird going out of the house. So I'm trying to work on that. Its a process. Funny how that works! Dressing weird and funky I am totally comfortable with, but dressing casual and simple I feel out of place and awkward. Where did I go wrong?! haha

So yesterday we got our keys as hoped for. The first twenty minutes the husband was in working on the house guess what happened??!! He was tearing out the tile at the front door and a piece flew up and cut his leg open in two places. Apparently it sprayed.. ewwww. Luckily I was at work (freaking out because he told me he was on his way to the doctors and waits forever to text me back) or I probably would have lost it. I thought of the worst. A hand got cut off, a broken bone, pretty sure 47 different scenarios went through my brain before he text me back. well luckily he survived. Poor thing. 7 stitches in one cut and 3 in the other. Doctor ordered him to go rest, well what did he do?? Went back to work. Typical man for you, but I'm lucky to have such a hard worker!! Here is a picture for those of you who can handle yucky cuts (and if you can't its probably too late, oops sorry!)...

Gross huh?! I was expecting worse. It was cut super deep (hence the spraying), but so happy no full body parts got cut off or anything. Yay!
So today is my birthday!! I remember the days when celebrating birthdays was fun and I wanted to grow up and be big and do everything that I saw my parents doing and now I think what the heck was I thinking wanting to grow up?!!.... wanting to get older and being excited about birthdays stopped at about 21. When I was 21 I was able to go to concerts that I couldn't go to before and that's about it. Now birthdays are more like a wake up call that I'm getting older and I need to get my buns in gear and start going places with my life! Today will be like any other day. We are spending morning until night ripping our new place apart, painting, installing, and all that gloriously fun stuff. Don't be jealous. Since it is my birthday I am asking you all to do one thing for me...............
If you haven't, join my blog!!! Share with friends and spread the word! The more followers the more giveaways I will do and the better they will be!! Thanks to all of you that follow this blog already! It makes it worth all this work and means the world to me!!

Happy Tuesday!


4 comments on "HAPPY BIRFFFDAAAY TO ME!!!!"
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  1. Casual is the best and you can obviously pull it off well so you will have to do it more! :) happy birthday jay! Hope that you have a great day!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, live you :)

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST JALYNEE!! LOVE YOU!! PS tell Kazj that hydrogen peroxide will take that blood right out of his shoes.

  4. love these ones of you. and your outfit is amazing! poor kazjypoo. i told him the other day that we need to do the manwork around that joint... and lets do the doggy apartment ya! i'm still thinking of ideas... go jalynn fo yo awesome blogness. :)
