8 Tips For Surviving The First Trimester

Sunday, February 18, 2018
First Trimester, Pregnancy, 8 tips

Blue Hair, Leopard Booties, Fashion Blogger

Black Scarf, Utah Blogger, SeneGence Distributor

Maternity Outfit, Pregnancy Style, First Trimester Outfits

Leopard boots, Fashion blogger, Sweater Dress

Long sweater, maternity outfit ideas, Pregnancy style

Leather Leggings, Winter Outfit, Blue hair

Berry LipSense, Fall outfit, Leopard Print

Sweater (non-maternity): (similar here) || Scarf: ASOS || Leather Leggings: ASOS || Booties: Nordstrom || LipSense: The Red Closet Beauty || Photos: Jordan Bree 

Hey hey hey!!

I'm so excited to share this outfit but also share my first trimester and pregnancy tips. These go back right down to day one up until the second trimester. This is only my second baby so I'm not a pregnancy expert, but just a few things that have helped me survive and get through the second hardest trimester and for some, the hardest!!! Okay... here it goes!!


1. Take Your Vitamins: I think we all know this one right?! This pregnancy I have been steering clear of sweets and sugar so I went for the gummy prenatal vitamins this time around. It's like a get a little candy pass morning at night! ;) I use these prenatal vitamins.

In addition to prenatal vitamins, be aware of what you're consuming every day. It's important to make sure your baby gets all the nutrients they need in order to grow and that means eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.

This also means cutting down on your regular caffeine intake. Try to limit yourself to 200mg a day when it comes to soda, energy drinks, chocolate, and teas with caffeine in them. In short, it can help decrease your risk of a miscarriage. Do some research online and talk with family/friends to find healthy foods and meals to eat during your pregnancy. As a good rule of thumb, try to avoid these food items while pregnant: blue cheese, brie, goats cheese, unpasteurized dairy products, raw/ undercooked meat and raw shellfish.

2. Find a good doctor: This one makes the list because I didn't have the best experience last time. This time I'm going with a midwife and I'm excited! Find someone YOU feel good about. It doesn't matter how anyone feels, only you!

3. Battle Nausea: Every pregnancy is different, but don't be too hard on yourself. Some days I want to sleep and be 100% unproductive. Some days I'm nauseous all day. I had carbs every day because it helped so much with nausea. Another thing that I LOVED is Preggie Pops!! If nausea hit, I would pop one of those in and they saved me!! On top of that make sure to stay hydrated and have something to eat by your bed every morning. I found that if I ate while in bed and then got up, I was a lot less nauseous!! A granola bar, banana, anything that can sit by your bed overnight!! Last but not least, use sea bands!! I wore these a few times and I still plan on using them to help while traveling. They are great for easing nausea!!! 

4. Sleep Comfortable: Around 9 weeks I already started to feel uncomfortable while sleeping so after lots of asking and research I purchased another Snoogle!! I had one before and got rid of it due to space. I used it for six months after I had the baby. It's the BEST. This time I found one even better!! This Snoogle is velour, so soft and I sleep like a baby now!! 

5. Wear your "Normal" Clothes: As long as possible I might add! I started hitting that awkward stage of being too big for my own jeans, but way too small for maternity jeans. So, I found these awesome Belly Band accessories to help! I can still wear my old clothes which is huge!!! 

6. Let it All Out: Hormones are going to be messing up your world. You will cry over the most random things, and you will have all sorts of feelings and emotions. It's OKAY. Let it all out. Eat the foods you want (mixing in the healthy stuff too lol), and prep your husband to be your personal servant for 9 months. I mean, it's the least they can do right (this comment was husband approved haha). Just know you aren't going crazy, it is the hormones. 

7. Download Apps: I have some apps that were SO helpful for my first pregnancy and SO helpful now!! My favorite most used app is called BabyBump (its purple with a white outline of a baby bump). It shows a countdown of where you are at, how many days left, and a tip EVERY DAY! These tips are so amazing because sometimes it's something I never knew! My favorite part is it shows your baby's size, what food the baby is closest to, and the baby's weight!! While that one is my all-time favorite I also use What to Expect and also The Bump!! 

8. Take Care of Yourself: and don't feel bad for it. Take naps when you can, take baths, have girls weekends. Just know the love you put into YOU results in a happier and healthier Mama which only helps baby! Stress has shown to cause stress on the baby which I'm sure none of us want!! If you are finding something is causing you a lot of stress trying to switch things around or find solutions to your stress!!

Finally, one last note, this is a good time to figure out when you’ll announce that you’re pregnant with friends and family! Many people wait until the end of the first trimester, so around week 13. Others may wait until they are showing or when they find out the gender in the beginning/middle of the second trimester. You might even want to talk with your doctor during your first prenatal visit to learn the health of your baby and get an estimated due date before sharing the news.

Telling others you’re pregnant is so much fun but it’s important to do it when you and your family are ready! There are many factors that come into play, but at the end of the day, do whatever you are the most comfortable with.

I hope those were helpful first trimester tips!! Being pregnant is one of the craziest and best things we can experience so I think every bit of info on surviving pregnancy helps!! 

Have a great week!!!  


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