Thursday, August 31, 2017

Top: The Red Closet Shop || Jeans: The Red Closet Shop || Sandals: (very similar) ASOS || Lipstick: LipSense || Photos: The High Pines

This week has been so stressful. Ya know those weeks where you can't catch your breath and no matter what you do you just cant' catch up? Well it's almost 2am and i'm trying to get through emails, texts, FB messages, I need to unpack from my last two trips so I can pack for my cruise this weekend (which is a whole other dramatic story in itself) and my life just feels like a mess. Anyone want to come take over?? lol 

I'm sure you all have those weeks! It has been SO CRAZY!! I love love traveling but it's tiring and also makes my life a little hectic. I am trying to take off November and December from traveling but a few opportunities have been brought up and it's hard to say no. 

Today i'm sharing the same outfit, but two different colors. Do you ever love a shirt so much you get it in all the colors?! Same idea here... haha if I like something, I buy all the colors. It's just how I roll. 

Well, thanks for letting me talk about my busy life at 2 in the morning. I plan on having a crazy productive day after all my appointments and party (if I even have time eeeek) I have tomorrow night. I can do hard things right?! Cross your fingers or me I make it out of this week alive!! 

Have a great weekend!! <3

2 Simple Link-Up ‘Rules’

1. Follow your hosts on Bloglovin’: The Red Closet Diary & Twenties Girl Style
2. Link back to our site from your post!


4 comments on "DOUBLE THE LOVE + #WIWT LINK UP!"
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