Sunday, December 6, 2015
Choies, Fur Vest, Thigh High Boots, Utah Fashion Blogger

Lipstick. LYN'E Cosmetics

Tunic, Fur Vest, Choies, Boots, Winter Outfit

LYN'E Cosmetics, Fur Vest, Lipstick

Statement Necklace, Fur Vest, Mustard Tunic

Fur Vest, Tunic, Fall Outfit, Utah Fashion Blogger

Lipstick, LYN'E Cosmetics

Winter Outfit, Fur Vest, Choies, LYN'E Cosmetics

Thigh High Boots, Tunic, Fur Vest, Utah Fashion Blogger

Tunic: Spark at Trolley Square (similar here, herehere & here) || Fur Vest c/o: Choies || Leggings: Preggo Leggings || Necklace: PUBLIK || Thigh High Boots: (similar) Forever 21 (similar grey here) || Lipstick c/o: Lyn'e Cosmetics || Photos: Charissa Lee Photography

37 weeks pregnant (last week), I do not recommend wearing heels. ;) But I do recommend tunics and leggings! I love mustard, it's one of my favorite fall colors! I got this cute tunic at Spark. If you live in Utah, head to Trolley Square, because I found some great finds at Spark! Lots of tunics to cover this belly of mine!

And the fur..... I love the fur. Always have, always will. This fur vest is longer which pairs perfectly with my tunic. I can't wait to wear this vest with jeans!

Now let's talk lips. I'm a big lipstick fan. I love adding a pop of color to my outfits, or even just adding a little color when I may not be having a great hair day! I recently found LYN'E Cosmetics and had to share! First off, not only am I loving this subtle bright color, but this lipstick goes on smooth (not chunky.... gross) and a portion of each purchase goes to V-Day. V-Day is an organization that works to end violence agains women worldwide. When you purchase you are getting an amazing product, and helping out. Pretty cool!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Have a great Monday!


7 comments on "FUR & LYN'E COSMETICS"
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