Monday, August 10, 2015
Heritwine Maternity, Leather Leggings, Studded Flats

Maternity Top, Statement Necklace, Utah Fashion Blogger

Maternity Style, ASOS Leather Leggings, Pink Hair

AMI Clubwear, Heritwine Maternity, Utah Fashion Blogger

Statement necklace, Happiness Boutique

AMI Clubwear, Studded Flats

Enza Essentials, Best Face Wash

Enza Facewash, Beauty Blogger

Top c/o: Heritwine Maternity || Necklace c/o: Happiness Boutique || Leggings: ASOS || Shoes c/o (ON SALE): AMI Clubwear || Face Wash c/o: Enza Essentials

It's a busy busy Monday!! I have a lot of amazing things to share with you along with a huge giveaway below. Let's first announce the winner of last weeks Giveaway to Northern Loom. The winner is Caitlyn Stone!! Congrats girl!!

Now, I have paired a few of my favorite items today. I'm not much of a statement necklace person, but I had to have this one. It's not too intense, but bold enough to add a pop to any outfit. This top was the perfect top to pair with this necklace! 

I love this top not only because I love how it fits my bump, but the sleeves are so unique and fun and I can definitely wear this after baby comes! There are not many maternity boutiques out there, so all you pregnant ladies need to head over to Heritwine Maternity and check out all the cute maternity clothing!

Now let's talk face. I have never used a face wash that I have been in love with before, but recently started looking to try a new prodcut. After finding out about Enza Essentials, I was so excited to try it! Enza Essentials has so much to offer, but the best is a customized skin care package that is customized for your skin! My skin has never been too bad, but with pregnancy I started breaking out. I can't tell you how excited I was when my Enza Skin Care helped clear that up. It's enough to have to deal with the weight gain and swollen body parts, so a clean and clear face is definitely a plus!! I haven't broken out since using this, and my super oily skin has toned down! If you are looking for any changes for your skin, I highly suggest heading over to Enza Essentials!

Now.... check out this giveaway below and have a great Monday!!

When fashionista's travel, we travel in style! Today I've teamed up with some fabulous bloggers to giveaway some beautiful travel accessories perfect for any woman out there! One lucky reader will receive a Ted Baker London Large Cascade Floral Hard Shell Suitcase (valued at $498), a Kate Spade Daveney Laptop bag (valued at $298) AND a Kate Spade Cedar Street Passport Holder (valued at $98). How great is that prize? All you have to do is enter through the rafflecopter widget below! Good luck!


Official Rules: Giveaway will run from August 10th until August 17th at midnight. Winner will be chosen at random and will be emailed within 48 hours of the giveaway ending. All entries will be verified to make sure they were done correctly. This giveaway is open internationally.


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