I was recently involved in the Striped Project and was interviewed for the site. What is the striped project? It was something created to help women have confidence. Anyone involved in the stripped project is wearing no makeup and the photos are NOT retouched in any way. To read more about what this is all about, head over to
The Striped Project .
To see more of my untouched, raw photos, you can see them
here .
I'm sharing my interview with you today! Enjoy! :)
Real, confident, candid, caring, beautiful.
What made you want to start blogging?
“I started looking at blogs about 6 years ago when there were only a very few around. Most of these bigger bloggers wore ridiculously priced items that most people could never afford. I have always had a talent for clearance/thrift shopping and turning it into my own and I wanted to share that with people. I also wanted women to be able to relate to me, my clothing, my unperfected body, and my very normal life.”
When do you feel most beautiful?
“I feel most beautiful when I am healthy. I know this sounds a little weird, but when I feel good on the inside it shows on the outside. I feel like every part of me glows, I feel great, my skin is more clear and I have lots of energy!”
Has becoming a successful blogger affected the amount you think about your appearance? If yes, how so?
“Sometimes yes, sometimes no. There are times I feel like I need to get a little more ready than normal because people know I am a fashion blogger. There are also just as many times when I leave my house with no makeup on looking completely homeless and It doesn’t even phase me. I want to be real to my readers and myself. I don’t want to look perfect all the time because that is just not realistic.”
How much do you think your success as a blogger is tied to your physical appearance?
“To be honest I think it definitely has a lot to do with it. I look at myself very flawed and I think people can relate to that. I don’t dress perfectly put together and I also think people relate to that as well.”
Have you ever struggled with a lack of confidence? If so, how did you get through it?
“I am pretty insecure about my physical appearance, but have come a long way since I started blogging. A lot of bloggers are very tiny and also shorter so when I am around them I have definitely been self conscious. I have been to photo shoots and just because I am a size 8 and 6’0 tall and everyone around me is a size 0-4 and 5’7 I look extra huge. I have definitely had to learn to have confidence in my own skin and love me for me and hope that people will love me for that too!”
What are 5 things you love about yourself?
“1. I love being tall. When I gain extra weight during the holidays or for whatever silly reason, I can hide it pretty well. It’s a blessing being a giant! ;) 2. I love my style because I don’t have a style. I sometimes wear grunge, sometimes super girly, and other times complete boho/hippie. 3. I love my hair adventures. I always get bored and love to try new colors/styles! 4. I love that I can laugh a lot. I find almost everything funny. It makes me definitely a happier person! 5. I love that I am real. I am not trying to be perfect or dress how everyone is dressing or look how everyone else looks or be a size 0. Just your everyday girl!”
What made you want to be a part of The Stripped Project?
“I LOVE everything that this is and stands for. The most important thing in the world to me is inspiring women to be themselves and love their bodies and all their beautiful features. Being in the fashion industry I know how much pressure there is to be perfect and skinny, but It is way more important to be confident and feel great in your own skin. Most of those perfect photos out there are edited and retouched but still women never feel good enough. I am honored to be a part of this and help in any way I can!”
How did you feel being in front of the camera with no make-up on?
“I am not one to love being in front of a camera (AT ALL) as funny as that may sound. I feel comfortable in front of very few people and those are who takes my photos. I was way more nervous about working with someone new. I didn’t even think about not having any makeup on!”
How do you maintain positive self-esteem while being involved in social media?
“When I first started 5 years ago, the negative comments made me feel like crap. Last year a company reposted my photo and I had over 40 “fat” comments within minutes. It got so out of hand the company emailed me to tell me they took it down. This was the day it stopped bothering me. I am not ever going to be a size 0 and I am fine with that. I try to think if people are spending their time talking about you, at least that is some sort of exposure right?! ;) We all know people spend their lives hating on others so letting those people get to me doesn’t solve anything.”
How do you feel social media can be used to empower women?
“Social media is such a great tool to inspire women. I hope that every time I do a post I am inspiring someone to not feel like they need to cake their make up, or feel like they don’t have to buy designer clothing or be a size 0. There are so many ways we can inspire and empower women in a positive way!”
Now it is link up time!! This weeks pick is
Riva La Diva !
I love this fun bright color with the amazing shoes and cute earrings. Simple things make such a huge difference in an outfit. You look amazing girl!
Thanks for stopping by!
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