Swimsuits by Saha:
1. Baudo Full Piece || 2. Striped Halter One Piece || 3. Pacific One Piece || 4. Black Peek-A-Boo Suit
1. Baudo Full Piece || 2. Striped Halter One Piece || 3. Pacific One Piece || 4. Black Peek-A-Boo Suit
The swimming suit options just aren't that great now-a-days, especially when looking for a more modest, full coverage swimming suit. So, let me introduce you to Swimwear 360! The CUTEST suits, unique prints, adorable silhouettes, and pure perfection. I would buy them all if I could! For now, one or two (cough... three) will have to do! They also have tankinis, and bikinis that are sooo cute!
These suits are all unique in their own way, so check out Swimwear 360, and fall in love like I have!
Today I'm so excited to bring to you a HUGE giveaway!
I'm teaming up with Lauren from Dressing Dallas as well as some other fabulous bloggers and shops to celebrate Lauren's website relaunch! We are giving one lucky reader a pair of White Valentino Rockstud Pumps, which are valued at $1000! All you have to do is enter through the rafflecopter below! PS: We are offering a pretty cool incentive for completing all of the entries! If you complete all entries, you will receive 10 entries for free (how's that for a deal?!).
Good luck!

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