Peplum Shirt: TJ Maxx, Shirt: Marshall's, Skirt: Forever 21, Shoes: Payless, Handbag: Thrifted
I heard a rule one time that said (who knows who makes up these rules) you can't mix printed clothing. Well guess what?! That just happened. I think as long as it flows, just let it flow. Lets be honest here. I really don't think there are "rules" in fashion. Everyone dresses their own way so rules just don't make sense.
This outfit is one of my favsies right now. Mainly because I have a big crush on anything mildly resembling peplum. Why is it so darn cute and why hasn't this trend been around earlier?
Moral of the story: mix and match what you want. And wear peplum.
Love this. It doesn't have to match, it just has to GO.. that's what I always say! xo