Wednesday, September 28, 2011
STILL working on our house. Yes, still. Most of the big projects are done (painting, carpet, building ish, more painting) and now its time for the fun stuff!! Decorating!!! So Pinterest has been my inspiration. I found this DIY project on pinterest and had to do it. The plain light switches are fine but adding some life to them makes a room look amazing. Who would have known!

This is what you will need:

1. An outlet of your choice

utah fashion blogger, modest fashion blogger

2. Mod Podge and Tissue paper

mod podge, Outlet covers

One other great thing about this project is you can use tissue paper, fabric, OR scrapbook paper. I looked for scrapbook paper at Wal Mart and couldn't find any to match my house. As I was walking out I spotted this tissue paper. I figured it was only 2 bucks and worth a try. Personally I don't like the look of the fabric, but you just might and you will also have more options of prints if you choose to do fabric!

So here are the suuuuper easy steps:

1. Take the outlet off the wall
2. Cut out the paper to fit the size of your outlet.
3. Put a little bit of Mod Podge over the outlet and stick the paper/fabric on it.
4. Cover over the paper with more Mod Podge. 
5. You don't want wrinkles so smooth that baby out!!

6. Let it dry and cut the holes. I got excited and cut the holes out before it dried. You can cut the holes out even before you Mod Podge the fabric on. Its your choice. I think doing it after is easier.

It takes 20 Minutes tops to dry and this is what you get:

I will be working on this alllll day until class. I think its sooo sooo cute. It makes the outlets look a million times better. Fashionista house? Yes please!!

So.... even though I have to write 3 papers by 3:00 today I think I might just turn them in late tomorrow.. I am feeling some more crafts coming on today :)


ps. if you have any awesome house projects I would love to hear about them and feature them on my blog. Email me!


4 comments on "DIY OUTLET COVERS"
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  1. very very cute! one day when i own a house, i'll be doing this!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this. It is so much cheaper and cuter then the $13 ones I've bought before. Oh and when you have time check out my blog. I passed on the versatile blogger award to you
