Sunday, September 20, 2015
Utah Maternity Photos, ASOS Maternity, Pregnant Photos

Baby Bump, Pregnancy Photoshoot, Maternity Photos

Baby Bump, Maternity Photos, ASOS Maternity Dress

Baby Bump, Utah Photography, Utah Fashion Blogger

Utah Fashion Blogger, Pregnant Blogger, Floral Crown

Pregnant Blogger, Maternity Photos, Utah Photography

Maternity Photos, Utah Fashion Blogger, Maternity Dress

Maternity, Pregnant, Utah Fashion Blogger

Modest Fashion Blogger, Floral Crown, Maternity Dress

Maternity Photos, ASOS Maternity Dress, Pregnant Photos

Maternity Photos Ideas, Utah Fashion Blogger, ASOS

Dress (ON SALE): ASOS || Headband: Similar here & here || Photos c/o: Deone Thornton Photography

I am so excited to share my maternity photos with you! I'm hoping to get some done with my husband, but getting him in pictures is so difficult. :) 

It was so fun getting into a gorgeous dress and feeling pretty for a little bit! Pregnancy is not glamorous and either is gaining weight, so I think its even more important to take maternity photos so you can look back and not remember all the hard things, but remember how beautiful pregnancy really is and how it's such a miracle!

I am officially 27 weeks. I have stretch marks (waaaahhhhh), i'm exhausted and I can't tie my shoes by myself. lol I'm almost to the third trimester and I'm praying I don't gain any more weight or get any bigger. I'm pretty sure there is plenty of room for baby girl to keep growing in there, so i'm doing my best (which is not very good) to not eat crappy. It is the HARDEST thing I have ever done. Anyone who eats healthy and works out while being pregnant, I give you some crazy props. The carbs and the desserts are just too good and so hard to say no to!

Since I wish I could take pretty maternity photos on a monthly basis just to feel pretty for a day, I am sharing all the pretty dresses I wish I could wear below including the one i'm wearing! I highly suggest to get a pretty dress and take pics when you are expecting! :)


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