Sunday, June 14, 2015

Here is my bumpdate week 13!!!

- First photo was date night this weekend. Swollen feet and a swollen face. haha 
- I'm counting down the days until I find out babies gender (15 more to go!!)
- The heat makes me real sick. Especially in my modest layers. Holy crap. 
- Kind of wishing summer was over. You would never hear me say that any other time. 
- My daily sickness is gone, so i'm really excited for the second trimester!! 
- I still haven't worked out. No energy and tiredness has made that quite the challenge.

Now let's talk FOOD. 

I had the opportunity to check out Roll Up Cafe's new menu and OH. MY GOSH. 

I am a pretty harsh critic when it comes to food. I mean, my pregnant taste buds are pretty harsh. :) Things I used to love, I don't love as much anymore. Food has just been meh (with the exception of some). I went to Roll Up Cafe with no expectations. I have been before and it was good, but these new additions are GREAT!! That says a lot!

I got a chance to meet the chef and she is talented, passionate, and it totally shows by how the food tastes is presented. I was so impressed I talked my husbands ear off for an hour explaining every detail of every dish when I got home. Not pictured was a very yummy Nutella shake we had when we first arrived. If nothing else, you need to try that. 

The first photo, my appetizer is called the Wallflower Salad. Its just as yummy as it is pretty! I would never normally choose something like this on the menu due to the combination of items on the plate, but I LOVED it! It was light, healthy with lots of great flavor!

Second photo was my main course, the Heartthrob. I knew I wanted it the second I read Cilantro Lime Ranch Dressing. It was so yummy!!

The third photo I snapped of another girls main course called Hot Mess. It was the rave dish of the night, but my pregnant self wanted to try the one with the ranch haha. I fully plan on going back to try this one though! It is a curry crepe but a little on the sweeter side!

Last, the Single with Vanilla Ice Cream. This is not something I would normally choose. I would normally go for the strawberry crepe but this was UNREAL. It is a play off of the cinnamon roll, but ten times better. This was the yummiest desert I have ever put in my mouth. No exaggeration. 

So, if you are in Utah, you know what to do!! Head over asap and try all this yumminess!!


1 comment on "BUMPDATE WEEK 13 & ROLL UP CAFE!"
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