|| Shirt c/o: M1M1K Klothing
|| Plaid Top: Styles For Less
|| Pants: ASOS
|| Booties: ShoeDazzle
|| Beanie: Forever 21
|| 3D Fiber Mascara: Younique
Oh dang it's Monday again. :/ This weekend went by way too fast. I think they always do. Good news is, I have a lot of fun outfits and giveaways coming at you this week!
Today I am wearing one of M1M1K Klothing's new tee's from their fall line. Adorable right?! It's pretty hard to find a cute tee out there that isn't terrible, so I consider this a huge win-win right here! :) I went the grungy-ish route with this outfit, but I love that I can wear this to sporting events for a sporty vibe or even pair it with fun skirt! The options are endless!
M1M1K Klothing is offering all of my readers a 15% off code so you can shop your little hearts out! Head on over and use the code REDCLOSET15
I have talked about my lashes before, but I had to remove my extensions due to a lot of eye irritation. My eye balls hate the glue and it was very painful. I tried lots of different glues and it was the same every time. Long story short, I had to pull them off as carefully as possible... and now my eye lashes are sad stubs.
Thankfully a friend introduced me to Younique! This is the answer to my eye lash prayers. Seriously. I wouldn't share if I didn't love, so just know that this stuff is awesome. I posted a photo above with a close up and this 3D Fiber Mascara has made my eye lashes look SO MUCH BETTER. Check it out and try it for yourself! If you have any questions please ask!
Have a great Monday!
I am linked up with Trend Spin, Sunday Style, Monday Morning Gossip, Monday Bloom, Watch Out for the Woestman's, Mix It Up Monday, Funday Monday, Mingle Monday, Manic Monday
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