Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Lavender Hair, Army Pants

I'm Addicted To Lipstick Shirt, Utah Fashion Blogger

Lavendar Hair, Fall Outfit, Modest Outfit

Pink Lips, Purple Hair, Lipstick Obsessed

Lipstick, Camo, Modest Outfit

|| Top c/o: Style Lately
|| Jeggings c/o: Styles For Less
|| Jacket: Papaya
|| Necklace c/o: Little Pink Wish
|| Booties: Dolce Vita - Nordstrom (here & here)

Another amazing tee from Style Lately! This one especially because I LOVE lipstick! So much that I am sharing a few must have fall colors! Head on over to Style Lately and use the code LOVESTYLELATELY to get 20% off your order! They have more adorable tees that you have to check out! Now let's talk lipstick...

When standing at the lipstick counter, most of the time I have no idea which one to pick. They line up row by row, and sometimes there are hundreds. Between natural and bold shades, how do we pick the perfect one? It turns out, picking the perfect lipstick isn't that complicated after all
"If I had to teach someone just one thing about lip color it would be this: Find a lipstick that looks good on your face when you are wearing absolutely no makeup." -- Bobbi Brown
Lipstick is sometimes outside of people's comfort zones. When choosing your shade, try doing what Bobbi says, and find a shade that you love when you have no makeup on. You can always accent it with a good contour kit too! If you are comfortable with bright and bold colors, go big! Find that bright red, pink or purple that pops perfectly for you! It not only looks fab, but it adds a whole different element to your outfit. Babe status! I have listed a few of my favorite fall colors below. Some of them are bright, and some are subtle, but they are sure to impress!

Now that you and I both know you want to stock up on all these beautiful colors (I already did...oops), it's time to pick your color! Click on your favorite below to find out where you can purchase. You're welcome. ;) 

  1. DuWop Pink Lipstick
  2. Lipstick Queen Berry Lipstick
  3. MAC Pro Violetta Lipstick
  4. NARS Pure Matte Amsterdam Lipstick
  5. Makeup For Ever Natural Lipstick
  6. MAC Heroine Lipstick
  7. Bobbi Brown Bikini Pink Lipstick
  8. Dolce & Gabanna Monica Lipstick
  9. Bite Beauty Luminous Creme Lipstick
  10. Tarte Amazonian Butter Coral Lipstick

Welcome to the wonderful world of lipstick addiction! XOXO

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